Party Party Party

NOTE: Pop Culture Boner has a new home and a new podcast. You can listen here, if that’s your jam. 

This weekend, we threw a house party. It was the kind of perfect combination of awful carnage and good time that you see in American frat boy films. The house was trashed, we didn’t sleep and when the sun came up we moved the party to the back alley because none of us could deal with the state the rooms were in. There was a broken window, some burnt bed sheets and a floor so sticky that it was almost impossible to walk on.

A photo of the housemate with mess/ about to head out to the alley at 6am to make gin and tonics.

Why was is all of this relevant to a pop culture blog? Well, when people have these parties on film, they rarely have to deal with the aftermath unless it’s part of the comic relief. However, I just spent today reassembling our living room  and picking pieces of broken glass out of the concrete. So, I have compiled a list of the five best house party scenes. Incidentally, they are also the five that I am most glad I didn’t have to clean up after.

  1. Animal House (1978) – You can’t make a list of party films without mentioning National Lampoon’s Animal House. The Delta Tau Chi House of Faber college are on “double secret probation” after the crusty old dean and the brown-nosing Omega Theta Pi House decide they bring an unwelcome reputation to the college and vow to bring them down. Hi-jinks ensue. Sound familiar? That’s because literally every American college film that followed it took some (or all… usually all) of the plot and replaced the jokes. Check out the toga party scene below.

    If you haven’t seen this one, it’s aged a little, but it’s worth a watch to find all the young “up and comers” who went on to have illustrious film careers. John Belushi, Kevin Bacon and Karen Allen (the woman from the Indiana Jones films) all make appearances.
  2. Old School (2003) – As if to illustrate my earlier point, Old School follows almost exactly the same plot as Animal House with a few minor alterations. Three 30-somethings, unimpressed with the way their lives are panning out, end up (through a set of extremely tenuous circumstances), turning their house into a fraternity. And then the crusty old dean and brown-nosing other fraternity try to shut it down. Hi-jinks ensue.

    I couldn’t find a version of the whole party in English, but the most important bit that they manage to get Snoop Dogg (back when he was still Snoop Dogg) to perform… Before a naked Will Ferrel interrupts and shouts “We’re going streaking!” Will Ferrel naked is probably something I didn’t really need, but whatever.
  3. Almost Famous (2000) – This one isn’t a college movie, but it does have the advantage of being a coming-of-age movie set in the 1970s, so naturally there’s a lot of references to parties and drug use.

    There’s always that guy at the party who takes something and then sits there going, “How do you know it’s kicked in? How can you tell?” And then you find him three hours later half naked in an alley-way talking to a lamp post about something that sounds profound, but essentially boils down to “I’m on drugs!” This scene is a beautiful illustration of that.
  4. 10 Things I Hate  About You (1999) – This party has the best opening lines in party history. “Oh! That must be Nigel with the brie!” If you look closely, you can see Nigel scurrying in with a wheel of cheese as a wave of rowdy teenagers takes over Bogey Lowenstein’s house.

    It’s the kind of party that years worth of 90s teenagers wished that they could attend. Sadly, no one ever seemed to throw one. But despite that, it does have all of the elements that every teenage party (or any out of control house party, really) definitely feature: people desperately trying to get laid, embarassing dance antics (although, I can’t say I’ve danced on a table… yet) and romantic moments blind-sided by the sudden urge to vomit.
  5. Skins (2007) – Haven’t included enough TV in this list, but this is a pretty fantastic scene. Upon discovering that his mother vacated the premises leaving him with £1000, resident druggie and all-round irresponsible guy Chris, decides to throw a massgive house party. He also does all of this with a 15 hour erection due to a viagra related incident.

    While this whole scenario ends a little bit tragically (turns out Chris’ mother has left for good) it does contain a nice discussion about party ratios – “I think I know maybe 20% of the people here. That’s what makes it so good.” I don’t know how it happens, but there always seems to be a point in the night where you look around and go, “I know….3 people. Yes. Good. Now, more wine.” As long as those 3 people don’t disappear, everything is fine.

As fun as all those parties look, at the time of writing the idea of being in the middle of them is making me feel a little bit nauseous. The hangover I suffered at the hands of my good time saw an evening hangover food run to the supermarket (which is maybe 3 blocks away) result in me and the flatmate above almost passing out in the line for the checkout, me almost crying because we had to stand still for so long and everything seemed really hard, and then us both having to stop halfway home because walking was too tiring. (Massive props to our other flatmate who had to go and hang out with his parents all day.) So the point is, what’s good for TV and the movies is not necessarily good for me (but is still enjoyable watching).

Batblog: The Dark Knight Rises

NOTE: Pop Culture Boner has a new home and a new podcast. You can listen here, if that’s your jam. 

Today I am powered entirely by caffeinated beverages. This is because I stayed up until midnight on Wednesday so that I could be there for the first screening of The Dark Knight Rises. In case you have been living under a rock/haven’t left the house in the last 9 months/have sworn off the internet (how did you get here?)/have taken an adamant stance against all things pop culture related (why did you get here?)/ think that cinema is the devil’s work, Dark Knight Rises is the much-hyped finale in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. The poster looks like this:

Batsplosion! (I may or may not spend the rest of this post putting “Bat” in front of unnecessary words.)

I think I should probably preface this by saying I’m not actually the hugest bat-fan. I’m more a Marvel than a DC girl, and I find myself eternally disappointed that not one modern cinematic adaptation features the Adam West “nananananananana” theme song. I’m also not a gigantic fan of Nolan’s interpretations. Don’t get me wrong, I quite like The Dark Knight. Mainly for the reason that everyone else likes The Dark Knight: Heath Ledger is a very fucking good Joker. However, I spent most of Batman Begins trying not to fall asleep. Even on the rewatch I was still bored. I don’t think I’ve ever actually watched it all the way through because I keep having microsleeps or day-dreaming about what I want for lunch. So I feel like the trilogy of bat-films have been a bit more hit-and-miss than people are willing to admit.

Which brings me to the other thing that irritates me about these films: the fan-base. They’re nuts. They’re so fanatical about the whole affair that Rotten Tomatoes had to disable the comments section on The Dark Knight Rises because people were using it as a platform to send death threats to reviewers who were anything less than completely gob-smacked at the flawlessness of Nolan’s cinematic vision. I feel like even the reviewers make too big of a fluff of it as well. The Hollywood Reporter said that the film “makes everything in the rival Marvel universe look thoroughly silly and childish.” Time throws around the words “grand”, “epic” and “achievement” a bunch. Guys. Seriously? Writing off the entire Marvel universe as childish because there wasn’t a thinly veiled (sometimes poorly written) commentary on America’s deteriorating economic climate and an emotional crisis dealt with through graphic violence and gothic imagery just serves to further illustrate the cloud of bullshit that sometimes lingers around this franchise.

But, I did enjoy myself. I was never bored in The Dark Knight Rises. Tired (midnight to 3am is late, yo) but not bored. The good bits were very, very good. I always find the supporting players in these films to be the show-stealers. Christian Bale’s Batman is a solid character, but I never feel like he’s the one to watch. (Also, sometimes when he does bat-voice I have to stuff my fist in my mouth to keep from giggling, but that’s another story.) This film is no exception and he was totally upstaged by Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Tom Hardy as Bane.

Anne Hathaway gets an awfully bad rap from a lot of people. I don’t really understand why, but when I question people it usually just results in them screaming “I hate her face!!!” and then running off. Anyway, I think I might have died and gone to heaven this year, because there have been two seriously excellent female characters appearing in superhero films, running around and kicking ass with the boys. Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow is a total badass in The Avengers. Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman is similarly cool. Since the Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman days they have (thankfully) toned down the plether bondage outfit, to a (slightly) more demure black catsuit with “ears” that are actually her cat-burgalling spy-goggles tucked behind her hair. She does do all of her fighting in absurdly high stiletos, but to be fair they are actual stiletos and she does use them to slice up bad guys with some super-bendy high kicks. She’s got a lot of good lines and the moral ambiguity of her character makes for some quality cinema.

Villains have always been Nolan’s strong point. Obviously, the Joker is the one that everyone is going to talk about forever, which makes me feel a little bad for Tom Hardy. He’s following Ledger’s now-iconic portrayal with a pretty special performance as Bane. He is a totally chilling fear-incarnate, but then becomes strangely human at the end. He doesn’t have a mouth to express himself with, and no eyebrows, so everything has to come through the eyes and he does a wonderful job of it. But, unless he meets a tragic end in the next couple of months, people are only ever really going to talk about Ledger’s stint. (I say that with love. I actually cried when Heath died. He was my first proper teenage crush on an actor.) The only problem for Hardy is that the mask sometimes makes him impossible to understand. When that’s coupled with Christian Bale’s bat-voice, there are whole chunks of the film where I have only a very vague idea of what was actually said.

As for the rest of the cast, I have nothing but praise. Gary Oldman also does a stellar job. Again. Because he’s Gary Oldman, bitches. (I definitely have unresolved Oldman issues.) Michael Caine as Alfred is always a highlight and he has a good story arc this time around. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is as adorable as he ever is. I’m pretty sure there were a lot of JGL fans in the audience, because whenever he came on screen there was a collective sigh of lust. And, of course, Christian Bale’s Batman is…well…Batman, I guess.

Beyond the actors, The Dark Knight Rises was watchable and I enjoyed it immensely. I would even go so far as to recommend people go and see it. HOWEVER (doomdoomdoom) there were some flaws and they were large enough to niggle at me. I’m not going to go into a huge amount of detail for a couple of reasons: for one, I’m really tired and the idea of writing much more than this makes me want to cry, and two, I’m trying to keep this as spoiler free as possible for the millions of you who didn’t stay up until 3am watching the damned thing. So, the script wasn’t phenomenal. For the most part it was good. It wasn’t as good as Dark Knight, but it wasn’t awful either. There were, however, several moments of dialogue where I literally cringed. Like, physically curled up and made a quiet “uuuurrrrgh” noise. If you’re going to write banter between villain and hero, do it right. Don’t turn the punchline into “I came back… to kill you” and then stick some dramatic music over the top of it. You’ve got the world riding on your shoulders for this one, Nolan. That shit isn’t going to fly.

It wasn’t just the dialogue either. In trying to tear Gotham to the ground, Nolan draws a lot on the contemporary economic and political climate in the US. ‘Revolution’ in the face of an oppressive regime of out-moded class systems and emphasised gaps between have and have-not, is a theme pulled straight from the Occupy movement. Honestly though, it’s just a little clunky. Making a grandiose social statement in a superhero film is cool and all, but you gots to handle it right. This time round it was so thinly veiled that there may as well have been a sign. Having said that, given the nature of Nolan’s film making, I’m not sure subtlety has ever been a strong point.

Also, the technology has reached maximum ridiculousity this time round. I realise that, because the Batman’s superpower is essentially the ability to spend money on cool shit and also work out a bunch, the technology has to be “state of the art”, crazy cool, sci-fi movie stuff, but I spent a lot of time watching the gadgets in this and thinking, “that’s just silly.” I was concerned for the Batman’s health and safety as well. There’s a lot of long shots of him riding his bat-bike (I did warn you at the beginning I was just going to chuck ‘bat’ on the front of every word possible) with his cape flying out behind him. Which is fine, except that my first thought was like “Oh shit, what if that gets caught on something? This movie might end before it starts and wouldn’t that be tragic?” That’s obviously not a major downfall, but I just didn’t feel like the gadgets were cool enough to suspend disbelief.

Anyway, I think what I’m trying to say overall is that I liked it more than I expected to, considering my ambivalent responses to the first two. I am also trying to say that these films aren’t the be-all and end-all of the superhero genre. All other contenders do not need to pack up and go home. Stop making Nolan’s Batfilms into the best thing that’s ever happened to cinema ever. They’re not. They’re good. They’re maybe even great. But they’re not fucking perfect. Learn to take some criticism, fanbase. The Dark Knight Rises is in cinemas everywhere. Those who don’t go see it immediately will be drawn and quartered by an angry mob.

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